- Ivy waits for her quarterly check-up at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Disclosure of illness to friends is a troubling decision for HIV-infected youth; Ivy has told her closest school friends.
- On school days, Tina comes into Ivy's room at 5:15am to give her the first pill of the day; one she must take 45 minutes before eating.
- India dresses her doll while receiving an asthma treatment. She has many physical and mental challenges from her HIV infection.
- The Smith family home is equipped with wheelchair lifts and stair climbers to help India get around.
- Ivy talks with her social worker while a nurse practitioner examines India on the floor with momma Deborah looking on.
- Keeping track of all the medications is a full-time job and paying for the meds would not be possible without government aid.
- Ivy shoots some hoops outside her home in a working-class neighborhood of Medford, Mass.
- After a long day with the kids, Deborah rests on the couch and Tina takes over upon returning home from work.
- India watches TV on the couch.
- Ivy and friends flirt by the poolside at Camp Miracles and Magic, a one-week summer camp for HIV-infected children.
- Tina and Ivy visit with Tina's mother in her Cleveland, Ohio kitchen.
- Ivy hangs with her closest friends whom she has known since she was adopted at age three.